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of Greenland.
ſooner were arrived and ſettled here, but they found God was come along with them; I mean the ſaving Knowledge of his moſt holy Word.The Chriſtian Religion planted in Greenland. For the ſaid Erick Raude his Son, called Leif, after he had been inſtructed in the Goſpel Truths by King Olaf (who was the firſt Chriſtian King of Norway) brought along with him from Norway to Greenland a Prieſt, who taught and chriſtened all the Inhabitants of the Country. Thus this Country has firſt been ſettled by Norway and Iceland Colonies, which in after-times have increaſed and been provided with many Churches and Convents, Biſhops and Teachers; which laſted as long as the Correſpondence and Navigation continued between them and Norway, Flouriſhed till the Year 1405.until the Year 1406, when the laſt Biſhop was ſent over to Greenland. Yet the Norwegians were not the original Natives of the Land; for, not long after their Arrival, There were Natives living in the Country before the Norwegians.they met with the old Inhabitants, a ſavage People dwell-


    Anſgarius, wherein the Propagation of the Goſpel is recommended to him, as Archbiſhop of the Northern Countries, and eſpecially of Iceland and Greenland.