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of Greenland.

be had of that Country's State, as may be ſeen in Pontanus and Claudius Lyſcander.

Greenland is divided into two Diſtricts, called Bygdes.The ancient Hiſtorians divide Greenland into two Parts or Diſtricts, called Weſt Bygd, and Eaſt Bygd. As to the Weſt Diſtrict,The Weſtern Diſtrict deſtroyed by the Schrellingers. which is ſaid to have contained four Pariſhes, and 100 Villages, all we find in the ancient Hiſtories, amounts to this, viz. That in the 14th Century it was ſorely infeſted by a wild Nation called Schrellings, and laid ſo waſte, that when the Inhabitants of the Eaſtern Diſtrict came to the Aſſiſtance of the Chriſtians, and to expel the barbarous Nation of the Schrellings, who were fallen upon the Chriſtians, they found to their great Aſtoniſhment the Province quite emptied of its Inhabitants, and nothing remaining but ſome Cattle and Flocks of Sheep, ſtraying wild and unguarded round about the Fields and Meadows; whereof they killed a good Number, which they brought home with them in their Ships. By which it appears, that the Norway Chriſtians in the Weſtern Diſtrict
