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of Greenland.

poſed by Biorno of Skarſaa within theſe 30 Years.

There is often found on the Shore of Iceland Wrecks of Boats of Greenland, conſiſting of broken Pieces of Deal-Boards.The ſame Author furthermore informs us, that in Iceland there has often been found ſcattered here and there on the Sea Shore, old broken Pieces of Deal-Boards, which were parts of the Ribs of Boats, which on the Side they were tack'd together, were paſted with a Sort of Pitch or Glue made of the Blubber of Seals; now it ſtands confeſs'd, that this kind of Glue is no where made Uſe of, but only in Greenland. And a Boat of this Make was in the Year 1625 found thrown up, upon a Point of Land near Reiche-Strand, the Structure of which was very artificial, joined together with wooden Nails, not unlike that in which Aſmund Kaſtenrazius, in the Year 1189, in Company with 12 Men croſs'd over from Greenland to Iceland; which Boat was likewiſe tack'd together with wooden Nails, and the Sinews of Animals. The ſame Hiſtorian in his Book de Novitiis Groenlandorum Indiciis tells us, that ſome