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The Natural Hiſtory

Materials for the Conſtruction of the whole Convent: There are alſo fine Gardens, which reap great Benefit from this hot Water, adorn'd with all Sorts of Flowers, and full of Fruit. And after the River has watered theſe Gardens, it empties itſelf into the adjoining Bay, which cauſes it never to freeze; and great Numbers of Fiſh and Sea-Fowl flock thither, which yields plentiful Proviſion for the Nouriſhment of the Inhabitants.

Biorno of Skarſaa's Relation of Biſhop Amund is more to be believed than others.Of all the atteſted Relations that of Biorno of Skarſaa, concerning Biſhop Amund of Skalholt, who was driven upon the Coaſt of Greenland, deſerves moſt to be credited: By which we learn, that the Colony of the Eaſtern Diſtrict did flouriſh about 150 Years after the Commerce and Navigation ceaſed between Norway and Greenland; and for aught we know, is not yet wholly deſtitute of its old Norwegian Inhabitants. The modern Greenlanders know nothing of this.We have not been able to get any Account of this Matter from the mo-
