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The Natural Hiſtory

it leaves a white Froſt upon your Hair and Clothes.

I muſt not forget here to mention the A wonderful Harmony between the Fountains and the Sea.wonderful Harmony and Correſpondence, which is obſerved in Greenland between Fountains and the main Sea, viz. that at Spring-Tides, in New and Full Moon, when the ſtrongeſt Ebbing is at Sea, the hidden Fountains or Springs of freſh Water break out on Shore and diſcover themſelves, often in Places, where you never would expect to meet with any ſuch; eſpecially in Winter, when the Ground is covered with Ice and Snow; yet at other Times there is no Water Springs in thoſe Places. The Cauſe of this wonderful Harmony I leave to the learned Enquiry of Natural Philoſophers; how Springs and Fountains follow the Motion of the main Sea, as the Sea does that of the Moon. Yet this I muſt obſerve to you, that ſome great Men have been greatly miſtaken, in that they have taken for granted and aſſerted, that in Norway and Greenland the Tide was
