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104 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF BENGALI BOOKS. Prafyeakha Jydn Dipika, by K. C. Bose, 1829, pp. 23. Argues that the air is God. (S. B.) Rdm Gitd, 1846, pp. 63, Pr. P., A metaphysical disquisition on the world and God, according to Vedantic principles. Pathea Praddn, medicine for the sick, by R. M. Ray, 2nd ed., S. P., 1849, pp. 238, 1 Re. Shtkhd Panchd, by Shangkar Acharjea. (S. T.) Sankhyea Bhdshd, by Ram Jay Tarkalankar, Ser. 1818, pp. 168. Vedanta, 1815, R. M. Ray's resolution on the Vedas, contains the Isha, Kana, Katoa, Mundika Upanishads compendious digest with notes, Vedanta Ckandrika, 67 pp. explanation of the Vedantic sys- tem. Vedanta Kaustabhakhyean, 1850, Shangkar Acharjea on Vedantism. Vedantasutra, 1843, pp. 180. (S. B.) Yog Vdshishta Sar, by Paramananda Neayaratna, 1848, pp. 112, with a Sanskrit comment : contains 10 chapters. 468. (S. B.) Atmabodh, 1849, P. P., pp. 41, 4 as., points out that knowledge is as necessary for obtaining salvation as fire is for cooking: the world is a delusion like the silvery ap- pearance of mother o'pearl. All spirit is alike. An English translation by Dr. Taylor was lately reprinted at P. P. 469. (S. B ) Atmanatmabibek 1847, pp. 32, 1st ed. 1819, from Sangkar Acharjyea on divine knowledge, the dif- ference between matter and spirit, the worship of God, of things permanent. 470. Atmatatvabidea^ on spirit, by Debendranath Ta- gore, against the tenets of the Vedantic Philosophy on the soul. 471. (S. B.). Brahma Dharma, 4 as., 1862, one Re. A collection from Sanskrit writings on theism and ethics. 472. Brahma Gita y Hymns to God, t. p., 1835, pp. 35, Seventy-two, Vedantic Hymns used at the Tatvabodnini Sabha. 473. Brahma Sangita, Hymns to God, 4 as. By Bam- mohan Ray and other Vedantists. 474. Churnah, on Idolatry, pp. 91, 6 as, 1852, T. abstracts from Rammohan Ray's writings against idolatry and on the Vedas. 475. Gitabali, pp. 28, 82 Vedantic Songs, by Bammo- hun Roy and others, by Sanders, Cones and Co., 1846, 2 as.