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NATURAL HISTORY. 41 violating the laws of nature shewn respecting the mind, body, strength, long life, child birth, marriage, evils of foolish marriages, qualities of parents transmitted to their children, against marrying too early, or with deformed, diseased or old persons; on vegetable diet, the author argues against the use of animal food, and seems quite familiar with all the writings of the vegetarians on this subject. 179. MAN, CONSTITUTION OF, Vajea Vastu, pt. 2, t. p., 1852, pp. 288. Roz. & Co. A continuation of the former argument, treating of the evils resulting from violating the laws of nature ; pointing out a number of cases and practices in this country as illustrative — he enlarges on the subject of spirit drinking in a way that would quite satisfy any of Father Matthew's followers. The style is high, as the subject re- quires. 180. (E. TO OBJECT LESSONS, or Infant School Teacher's Manual, by J. Weitbrecht. Skishu Shikhak, 1852, pp. 141. Hay and Co., 12 as. Translated into colloquial Ben- gali from Mayo's excellent Manual for Infant Schools, treats of Lessons on Objects, flint, water, wool, bark, feathers, lead, loaf sugar, milk, paper, leather, chalk, coal, a match, the rose leaf, honey comb, butterfly, cow, hare : Lessons on Colors, red, green, mixed : Lessons on the Human Body, the members, legs, arms, eyes, nose, lips, teeth, tongue, ears, head, ribs, blood. Lessons on the Creation, light, sea, plants, sun, animals, man, the sabbath. Infant School Rhymes. This work ought to be in every Vernacular School The subjects are broken up into the interrogative form. 181. (E. T.) PLANTS, SIMPLE LESSONS ON, Udbhij Vided, 2nd cd. 1855, translated by Braja Mahan, pp. 100, 4 as., lloz. & Co., Hay & Co. Designed to make the pupils of schools acquainted with the general features of the vegetable kingdom around them. It is a tree translation with adaptations to this country of two English works, " The Child's Botany" and " The Young Botanists." Treats of— (1) Plants denned, Number, Size, Plants and Animals, Eleven uses of Plants, (2) Botany, its use, Herbarium, Walking to seek Flowers, Glass Houses, Botanical Gardens, Linnaeus, (3) Six habitats of Plants, Parasites, Light on Plants, Herbaceous and Woody Plants, three Divisions of Plants according to Age, Exotics, (4) Four different kinds of Hoots, Buds, Leaf- stem, Midrib, thirteen different Shapes of Leaves, three Surfaces of ditto, seven parts of a Flower, three parts of a Stanieu, ditto of Pistil, diffusion of Seeds, (5) Boots, Seeds, £ 2