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50 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF BENGALI BOOKS. rank on silver, to a common man on copper or tin colored paper : before marriage on vermilion : a letter to a great man is to be 6 finger breadths long, to a person of the middle class 18 inches : receiving a letter from a raja or guru it is to be layed on the head, from a friend on the forehead, from a wife on the breast. In 1843 the Calcutta Christian School Book Society published a translation of the ENGLISH IN- STRUCTOR lNo.4, pp.200,8as. It treatedof 40 subjects, among them, were God as our Creator and Redeemer : India: Discovery of America : Farmer and Stork : Lies : Moon : Discontented Pendulum : Earth, its size and shape ; God's Omnipresence : printing : Christianity : human body : Musalman power, &c. 218. HINDU COLLEGE PATSH ALA READER, 1839, pp. 56, pt. 2nd. Roz. & Co. Gives for reading exercises names in astronomy, grammar, sandhi, of castes, on subduing the senses and on truth. 219. Jy&n Dipiha, or Introductory Reading Book, s.b.s., 1855, pp. 63, 2 as. Gives the alphabets, short moral sentences* arithmetical tables, Subhankars arithmetical tables in verse, moral fables, Chanakyas Ethical Slokes, forms of letters for leases, addresses, A good and cheap book. 220. Jyan Kaumadi, Letter writing on, by Rameshwar Banerjya of Gopalpur, k. l., 1st ed., 1835, pp. 188, 3 as., 1850. Gives forms of letters, leases, petitions, receipts. A book use- ful for Europeans in the Mofussil, and also for native boys in English schools, who are often very ignorant of Mofussil rou» tine. 221. INSTRUCTOR, BENGALI, No. 2, Jyan Kiru- naday, pp. 92, Hay and Co., 2 as. Gives 40 subjects such as— Anecdotes, Musalman Conquest of Bengal, the Wind, on the Jews, Rivers, Muhammad, India, Asam, Kiddles, Victoria, division of Scripture Books. 222. (A. B.) MISCELLANEOUS READINGS, Bi- bidh Pat, by K. Banerjya, pt. 1, pp. 310, 1846. 1 Be. Roz. & Co. Treats of the earth, its shape, dimensions, support, divisions* NARRATIVES, the Pandavs, Herodotus, Cyrus, Socrates, Archimedes, Hannibal's marches and history, Cannce, Fabius, story of the Vengeur : APOTHEGMS. Of fangs, of Philoso- phers, Ealidas and the King ; — Lamentation of Gandhary : BharattoRamchandra : Socrates* Defence : — the selection is well adapted to native comprehension.