Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/115

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by a snake as to faint ; felt at once that her child would be "marked" tried to forget it, but could not, and " often " spoke of it to her friends.

"Weight of the child, 2 Ibs. In the thickened pia mater, and toward the frontal bone, was a small serous cyst, and near it a trace of brain. Pituitary body, as usual. In the posterior mediastinum were several organs ; the stom- ach of an elongated form, receiving the bile-duct near one extremity, and the intestine arising from the other near the opening of the oesophagus ; the small intestine, about 13 in. in length, and of which a portion passed through the opening in the spinal column, and appeared upon the back of the child as a mass about as large as the top of the thumb ; a diverticulum .arose from this last portion of in- testine, 1 in. in length, and 4 inches from the stomach ; the pancreas and spleen, with a small mass accessory to this last. The oesophagus was, of course, quite short. Before the dissection the protruded intestine was invested by a membrane about as thick as the spinal theca would have been, and to which it was somewhat adherent ; there were also extensive adhesions to the mediastinum. The opening in the diaphragm, through which the organs passed, was near the spine, and small. Renal capsules exceedingly small. Large intestine 8 in. in length. Lungs small, and very imperfectly divided into lobes. Uvula slightly bifid. 1858.

Dr. Isaac F. Galloupe, of Lynn.

832. The head and upper part of the trunk of a foetus, very similar to No. 822, but complicated with a double hare- lip ; in spirit. The spine being so nearly entire, the neck was well-marked. Eenal capsules small, but the other organs well-formed. Palate not fissured. Sex, male. 1856. Dr. J. H. York.

833. Cast, by Dr. W., of the head of a foetus, that differed in many respects from those above described. Case in the prac- tice of Dr. P. ; see 834. The mother had had four chil- dren, well-formed. Labor at eight months. Quantity of liq- uor amnii, thirteen quarts. Head presented. Child still-born.

Weight of the foetus, 2 T 2 F Ibs. Upon the base of the

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