Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/118

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835 A blighted, anencephalous foetus. Preserved entire. Brain and spinal marrow wanting throughout. Head bent permanently toward the left shoulder, and directly contin- uous with it. Extremities malformed ; the upper half of each arm being fused with the side of the body ; each ra- dius is flexed nearly to a right angle, and apparently dis- located at the upper extremity, and one of the ulnae seemed to be wanting. The legs are permanently flexed upon the thighs, and the fingers and toes are deficient. The length of the specimen is 2f in., and the general appearance is characteristic of the "blighted foetus." One child had been. born, and Dr. B. was called to remove a diseased and adherent placenta. The mother considered herself as four or five months pregnant. 1862.

Dr. John G. Blake.

83(>. Cranium and trunk prepared. Differs somewhat from the common anencephalus ; and resembles Nos. 783-8 in the Med. Soc.'s Cabinet. The frontal portion of the frontal bones is nearly as large as the thumb-nail, and bent down into contact with the body of the sphenoid bone. Behind the frontals are the parietals, of which the left is small, and the right not more than a line in width. The posterior portions of the occiput are also very small, and rest upon the extremities of the laminae of the upper dorsal vertebrae. The cervical portion of the spine is very much curved upon the upper half of the dorsal, so that the face looks directly upward, but with a very marked lateral inclination toward the right side of the cervical vertebrae. The bodies are very irregularly developed, and much fused, as are also the laminae on each side. The dorsal laminae are also somewhat fused. But the most striking point in this skel- eton is a union, upon the median line, of the seventh and eighth dorsal laminae, whilst the rest of the spine is open throughout ; those above and below, of course gradually approximating. The ribs upon each side are well-devel- oped, but considerably fused ; eleven on the left side, and ten on the right ; one of these last being probably lost.

A seven months' foetus. There were some appearances

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