Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/121

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840. Kidney, with the renal capsule, showing the small size of this last in the " acephalous foetus." From No. 789, in the Med. Soc's Cabinet. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

841. Cast, in plaster, by Dr. L., of a fissure of the uvula, from an " acephalous foetus."

This fissure I have met with several times in this form of monstrosity, and am not aware that it has been before noticed. 1851. Dr. E. Leigh.

842. An acephalous and rhinencephalous foetus. The upper lip has a contracted and somewhat cicatrized look ; and about an inch above it are two eyes fused ; the iris of each is distinct, and the inner canthus is upon the median line. The nose, or proboscis, is in. above the eyes ; f in. long, in. in diameter, and with an orifice at the extremity that opens into a cavity of considerable size. Ears bent per- manently forward ; and neck quite wanting. The brain about equals a hen's egg in bulk, and is covered by arach- noid. Spinal column open to about the lumbar vertebrae ; and with traces, apparently, of spinal marrow. Otherwise well formed, externally. Sex, female. Weight, 1 Ib. 8 J oz.

Upon the left side the diaphragm was wanting, and the greater part of the alimentary canal, with the spleen, was in the left pleural cavity. Left lung small. Renal capsules rather larger than usual in the acephalous foetus ; and, otherwise, the organs seemed to be well formed. 1868.

843. The cranium of a premature foetus, partially prepared, and showing a projection of the pituitary gland through the

base. The cranium is greatly and very peculiarly mal- formed, and the extremities were also imperfectly devel- oped. 1864.

844. Cranium, from a case of encephalocele. The patient was a male infant, that entered the Hospital (81,225) under the care of Dr. H. J. Bigelow. The tumor, that seemed to arise from the bridge of the nose by a sort of neck, and about which last the skin had its natural appearance, was about as large as a h'en's egg, at birth, but had increased

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