Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/129

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with varus, and there had also been disease of the bones of the feet from childhood, and sores upon the hip for eight years. Occasionally she had pain in the tumor, and at the same time in the head ; and at any time in the head if she lay upon the tumor. About two years after this cast was taken, she fell from a horse, and received a severe blow upon the tumor, which enlarged to two or three times its previous size, and threatened to slough; and about four years after the fall she died. 1857. Museum Fund.

859. A fifth case ; preparation of the sacrum and lumbar vertebrae, to show the wide separation of the sacral laminae.

From a healthy little girl, seven years of age. Congen- ital tumor over the sacrum. Upon admission into the Hos- pital (115, 124) it was 16J in. in circumference, at the base ; projected 5 in., and was of an ovoid form ; tense, fluctuating, covered by integument, but in some parts seemed almost ready to burst. Punctured by Dr. C., and about a pint of clear fluid drawn off, of the spec, gravity of 1.006, containing a small quantity of albumen, and re- sembling that of hydrocephalus. The tumor was then tied at various points with strong ligatures ; intense pain fol- lowed, and the child died on the fourth day. See next specimen. 1864. Dr. H. G. Clark.

860. Tumor from the above case. Cavity formed by a dilata- tion of the membranes. Spinal marrow removed, by cut- ting away the nerves ; of full size, and gradually lost upon inside of sac, about two inches from orifice. Some appear- ance of nerves in cavity of sac. Quantity of fat between sac and skin considerable. 1864. Dr. H. G. Clark.

For a seventh case see No. 864.

In the Transactions of the Patholog. Soc. of London, Vol. vni. p. 16, a case is related of extirpation of one of these tumors from over the sacrum ; the membranes of the spinal marrow being exposed, though not wounded. The patient was an infant, ten months old. The tumor was supposed to have arisen from the spinal canal, but I have

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