Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/136

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879-80. Bones of the foot of an adult ; articulated, and consist- ing of an os calcis, astragalus, a protuberance that may represent the scaphoid, and a metatarsal bone ; all co- ossified into one mass, and somewhat irregularly though fully developed. Phalanges lost. Lower half of the ..leg in connection, and well formed.

Mate to the last, with the muscles ; and very similarly formed. The scaphoid is sufficiently marked. Two pha- langes co-ossified ; but articulated with the metatarsal. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

881. Photograph of a Hospital patient (119, 64). The right forearm and right leg end in a conical stump about mid- way ; and the skin over them was perfectly free. A little warty excrescence near the end of the leg is not shown. A boy, set. 13, and otherwise well formed. 1865.

Museum Fund.

882. Fusion throughout, of the second and third toes ; nails very close, but separate. From an adult. The other foot was similarly affected ; and the web between the second and third fingers of each hand extended nearly to the sec- ond phalanx. The other fingers and toes were normal ; in spirit.

In the mother all of the toes were similarly affected ; in a sister the same, besides a union of two fingers, and in her son, the same fusion of the toes. 1864.

Dr. Joseph W. Merriam, of Portsmouth, R. I.

883. Photograph of a native tailor in Manilla, who supports himself by working at his trade with his feet. There is an appearance of the scapulae, but otherwise the upper ex- tremities are entirely wanting. 1868. Dr. B. Joy Jeffries.


884. Photograph of the well-known Siamese Twins, as they appeared when on exhibition, recently, in this city. Now in. less. Each is separately married, and has a large num- ber of children. In 1833 they had intermittent fever, and both had chills at the same time. 1866. Museum, Fund.