Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/151

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lower extremity arising from the right buttock. Sex, fe- male. Dr. L. reported the weight as about 14 Ibs., and the labor premature by about two weeks ; one heart, and two sets of lungs ; " one stomach, with two oasophagi and two pyloric orifices opening into each contiguous duode- num ; two sets of intestines throughout, terminating in an anus for each set ; two livers fused, and two sets of pelvic organs." (Med. Jour. Vol. LIV. p. 426.) 1856.

Dr. J. H. Lucas, of Martha's Vineyard.

894. A kitten ; entire, and in spirit. Two faces, with one com- mon central eye in addition. Otherwise well formed, ex- ternally. Female. 1853.

895. A double kitten ; preserved entire in spirit. Integument deficient upon the top of the head, and probably also the brain. Three eyes upon the left side, more or less fused, and none upon the right. 1869.

Boston Soc. for Med. Improvement.

896. Colored drawing, by an artist, of a calf with two heads, two necks, two spines to the sacrum, four extremities ; no tail. Otherwise well formed externally ; about the usual size of a new-born calf. Sex, female.

Labor exceedingly difficult ; four men, with a rope about the calf, and the help of a lever, being at last required to extract it ; and even this great force was continued for an hour or more. In four weeks the cow was able to rise without help ; and five years afterward, though still lame, she had had three calves at the full period, and got through well, and was then again pregnant. The notes that were taken of the dissection having been lost, it can only be stated that between the scapulae there was an attempt to form another, as was shown by a small cartilage. For the skeleton, heart, and stomach, see Nos. 897-9. 1853.

Museum Fund.

897. Skeleton of the above subject. Crania not quite symmet- rical, but otherwise well. Spines separate and well- developed throughout the dorsal region, except the two last bodies of A (A being the subject on the right, as seen from

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