Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/178

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965. Portion of a skull, showing a -very defined fracture, just upon the limits of the right mastoid process, very nearly an inch long, about half an inch wide, comminuted, and somewhat depressed. Inner table also comminuted, and the fragments somewhat driven in. A fissure also extends to the foramen magnum.

The patient, set. forty-one, was accidentally shot, and entered the hospital at once (41, 170). Mind rather confused. External wound filled with blood, and pulsa- ting ; with hemorrhage from the ear. An incision was made, and a flattened slug extracted ; considerable hemor- rhage from cranial cavity, and lateral sinus was supposed to be wonnded. Died on the fifteenth day ; having had delirium, with stupor most of time, and unhealthy inflam- mation about the wound.

On dissection, the membranes at the seat of injury were gangrenous and inflamed, with some redness and softening of the cerebellum ; purulent infiltration of the muscles upon the right side of the thorax, and pus in the right pleural cavity. Nothing reported of the sinus. 1856.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

966. A portion of the occiput, in which is a defined, circular opening, in. in diameter in the.external table, and without the slightest fissure about it ; the internal being broken up as usual in gun-shot fractures. With the bone is a conical pistol-ball, very much flattened, and that was found in the brain. From a man who was supposed to have been mur- dered. 1864. Dr. George S. Jones.

967. A skull that had been shot through the occipital region ; the surrounding bone being considerably fractured. Sent on by Dr. F., who served professionally during the whole of the Civil War. 1863. Dr. J. W. Foye.

968. Portion of frontal bone, removed by the trephine ; perfo- ration through it of considerable size, and upon the inner surface some new bone. A man, set. twenty-six, fractured his skull one and a half or two years previousl}' ; followed by epilepsy, periodic insanity, etc. Hospital case (19, 119). He remained nearly three months after the opera-

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