Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/183

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986. The same. Somewhat comminuted, but union not exceed- ingly irregular. Apparently not a very old case. 1860.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

987. Old and strongly united fracture of right clavicle, midway. 1856. Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

988. The same; towards outer extremity. Quite broad and flattened at seat of injury. Shortened about f in. The mate preserved. Prepared by Dr. H. 1857.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

989. The same. Fragments overlap about an inch. 1860.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

990. The same ; outer half, and quite oblique ; union very reg- ular. From a case of dislocated shoulder. 1866.

Dr. D. W. Cheever

990. Old fracture of the furculum of a fowl. Union irregular. 1855. Dr. O. Ellis.

991. Comminuted fracture of the surgical neck of the right hu- merus. Lower portion much displaced. Head of the bone in place, but quite detached from shaft, though some of the fragments have united. Bones prepared in connection, by a student of Dr. C. 1859. Dr. H. G. ClarJc.

992. The same ; perfectly consolidated. Thibert's model.

Dr. Geo. Hayward.

993. Upper half of the humerus, extensively fractured ; the fissures running in a longitudinal direction.

From a man who was run over upon a railroad ; com- pound fracture of arm and scapula. Amputation at shoul- der-joint on the following day ; and death on the ninth. (Hospital, 54, 133.) 1852. Dr. S. D. Townsend.

994. Gun-shot fracture of the humerus ; very much commi- nuted.

Two inches and a half of the bone were excised by Dr. T., but extensive suppuration followed, with much prostra- tion, and the arm was subsequently amputated. The man

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