Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/204

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1063. Recent and irregularly transverse fracture of neck of femur near the head of the capsule. Dried, without macer- ation. 1861.

1064. Fracture of the neck, within the capsule, and nearly transverse. The upper portion of the bone is shown, with a portion of the os innominatum, and a longitudinal sec- tion through the two. The capsular ligament was intact at the time of the examination.

The patient was a female, set. eighty-four years, and the accident happened from a slight cause. There was strong eversion, shortening apparently to the extent of 2 in., and such severe pain that etherization was necessary before she could be removed to her bed ; crepitus then was distinct. A weight was attached to the limb, and she became quiet ; but pain, more or less severe, continued until she became unconscious, a day or two before death, which occurred on the twentieth day ; large bed-sores forming from the irrita- tion of the urine with which she was constantly kept wet. 1869. Dr. B. E. Cotting.

1065. Irregularly transverse fracture of the neck, and about at the junction with the head of the bone. The capsular lig- ament is mostly torn through, but to a considerable extent it remains, and shows that the head, in such cases, would not have to depend entirely upon the round ligament for its supply of blood. A small piece is broken from the tip of the great trochanter. From the appearances the pa- tient may have lived some little time after the accident. 1855.

The following five Thibert's models were given in 1847.

Dr. Geo. Hayward.

1066. Fracture of the neck within the capsule, from a fall upon the trochanter. There was inflammation of the bone ; and a large abscess communicated with the interior.

1067-8. Fracture of the neck, within the capsule ; with section of the bone, showing inflammation of the medullary mem- brane.

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