Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/271

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1338. Two lumbar vertebrae ; articulating processes broadly expanded, thickened and rough. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

1339. Two lumbar vertebrae ; partial anchylosis, etc., of bodies. 1847. Dr. J. G. Warren.

1340. Last dorsal, and three upper lumbar vertebrae. The bod- ies are diminished in thickness, and in the case of one of them very greatly so ; with exostoses from the edges. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

1341. Longitudinal section of six dorsal vertebrae, in which the edges of the bodies, the laminae, and the heads of the ribs are co-ossified ; with a considerable ant. post, curvature. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

1342. Three lumbar vertebrae of a horse, and of which the bod- ies of two are co-ossified. 1851.

1343. Sacrum, and last lumbar vertebra ; united upon one side by a thick bony mass. The sacrum is unusually straight. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

1344. A scapula, that shows the effects of chronic arthritis ; and prepared by Mr. G. W. Pease. The acromion process is considerably lengthened by the addition of three pieces of new bone, that are as yet quite separate ; and upon the under surface of these, and of the process, is a very marked and eburnated articular cavity. The coracoid process is enlarged ; and eburnated at the extremity ; and the glenoid cavity is enlarged, though scarcely eburnated.

The- articular surface of the head of the humerus (No. 257) is enlarged anteriorly and definitely, so as to involve the true neck of the bone, and the two tuberosities ; and this was the only part, Mr. P. thinks, that came in contact with the articular surface of the scapula.

From a male dissecting-room subject ; the fingers seem- ing to be deformed as by rheumatism. 1863.

Dr. D. W. Cheever.

1345. Bones of the elbow-joint, showing the effect of chronic arthritis, a growth of new bone about the articular sur- face of the humerus, and almost a filling up of the olecra-

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