Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/302

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The patient, a man set. twenty-two years, entered the hospital Aug. 22d, 1867 (132, 160). Disease of one year's duration, and cause unknown. Gradually increasing swell- ing, but without much inconvenience until the last three months, when an opening formed, and he gave up his work. On admission, the ankle was about twice its natural size, and denuded bone was felt. On the 28th the joint was cut down upon ; and, after forcible dislocation, the bones were removed ; the tendons being preserved, and two ligatures only being required. Oct. 16th the parts were not doing well, and the leg was amputated. Still further the stump did not do well, and on the 15th of Feb. 1 in. of the bone were removed. March 24th he left the hospital. Oct. 26th he was readmitted ; Dec. 12th bone was again removed, and 011 the 23d of Feb. he was discharged well. 1867.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

1453. Bones of the leg, after amputation ; from the last case, 1867. Dr. R. M. Hodges.

1454. Foot from the above case ; a ligarnentary preparation, and showing some appearance of caries upon the articular surface of the astragalus and scaphoid bone. 1867.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

1455. Anchylosis between the bones of the leg and the astraga- lus, os calcis, and cuboid ; the result of old disease of the ankle-joint. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

1456-7. Tarsal and inetatarsal bones from different subjects co-ossified, but no sign of other disease. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

1458. Coccyx co-ossified with sacrum ; long, section. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

1459. Anchylosis between the upper articular surface of the fibula and the tibia ; but without any appearance of dis- ease. 1847. Dr. J. G. Warren.

1460. The same, between these bones, at the lower third, and to the extent of about an inch and a half. An ossification, perhaps, of the interosseous ligament. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

1461. Lower jaw of an adult, showing a rounded pedunculated,

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