Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/314

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limb was amputated by Dr. G. ; and the patient on the 8th of Dec. was recovering well from the operation.

In the recent state a large, soft, cancerous growth was found situated over the diseased portion of the bone, with bony particles scattered through it, and walled in by the periosteal deposit. (Died March 29th.) 1869. Dr. G. H. Gay.

1495. A cast, in plaster, of a large part of the lower extrem- ity, in a case of cancer of the upper part of the tibia.

The patient, a young man, nineteen years of age, had pain, with some swelling, at the junction of the middle and upper third of the tibia, in March, 1849. This sub- sided in a few weeks, and in six months he had another attack. In January, 1850, a third attack ; and from this time the swelling went on increasing ; pain dull and heavy, and at last lancinating. His general health was his health failed ; and in September, 1853, the thigh was amputated. The tumor was then 25 in. in circumference, irregularly hard and soft, and in some parts boggy to the feel ; enlargement regular and fusiform. The patient was then exceedingly emaciated, and rapidly sinking.

On dissection of the tumor, it consisted of " bone, flesh, pus, and blood." Bone spongy, and lamellated throughout, and without any trace of its natural shape or structure. Fibula either involved, or partly absorbed by the pressure of the tumor.

The patient's father had his foot amputated, at the age of twenty-nine years, for disease of the bones of the foot, and the appearances were " precisely like " those in the present case. The grandfather also died, of cancer of the bones of the face, at the age of fifty-six years. 1858.

Dr. A. Hitchcock, of Fitcliburg.

1496. Section of one of the ribs, showing a defined, rounded, encephaloid mass, about 2 in. in diameter, arising from the bone, and projecting upon the inner surface.

From a man, forty-five years of age, who died at the hospital (85, 138). Several of the ribs were diseased; and the sternum, the dura mater, and the liver, were affected with encephaloid. 1863. Dr. C. Ellis.

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