Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/319

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ostitis. There were, however, none of the usual appear- ances of inflammation ; and, altogether, the bone was of about the usual thickness. Externally, the foramina ex- tended as far as the soft parts were diseased ; and they were large, but less numerous than upon the inner surface ; there was also some roughness, as from inflammation. 1869.

Dr. Henry W. Williams.

1512. Calvaria, showing the effects of cancerous growths from the dura mater.

From a man, forty-six years of age, and of robust health. (Hospital, 224, 248.) Disease began in the ster- num, in February ; and subsequently a wen-like tumor appeared upon the head. Constitutional affection, but no cerebral symptoms. Aug. 22d one of two tumors over the sternum was opened ; bled very freely, and a few days afterward the man died.

The preparation (by Dr. E.) shows an opening, half an inch in diameter, through the frontal bone ; diploe consid- erably more affected than the tables, the edges of which last are delicate and irregular. Tables to some extent, from the opening, quite porous from the enlargement of the nutrient vessels ; and beyond this, upon the inner surface, is a delicate, coral-like growth of new bone. In the pari- etal bone there is the same disease, though much less ad- vanced, and scarcely showing, except upon the inner sur- face. There are also other little patches, cribriform upon the surface, and showing that the disease began in the diploe. The bone is otherwise quite healthy. The ster- num, ribs, and liver were affected with encephaloid ; and upon the dura mater, corresponding to the diseased bone, were two " quite soft, reddish, and somewhat laminated " growths. 1859. Dr. C. Ellis.

1513. A portion of the right frontal bone, from a case of can- cerous tumor of the dura mater. There is an irregular opening, about If in. in diameter ; edges quite rough, and eroded upon the outer surface all around, to the extent of about J in., but not at all upon the inner. No new bone thrown out, nor any other appearance of disease.

The patient was a lady, thirty-one years of age, and the tumor first appeared in March, 1865, preceded by a sting-

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