Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/338

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1604. A portion of femur, 3 in. in length, removed from a stump, and showing the effects of inflammation ; enlarged, rough upon the surface, and with a sinus in its substance, containing a delicate sequestrum.

From a man, set. twenty-five, whose limb was amputated by Dr. H. J. Bigelow, for disease of the knee-joint, Nov. 12th, 1864. A flap was taken in front, and a direct cut made down upon the bone behind ; the periosteum was then scraped up ; and, after sawing the bone, it was brought down and secured by a suture ; after which the anterior flap was brought down. The stump never healed, and the end of the bone came away, with, occasionally, smaller pieces. On readmission into the hospital (127, 224), the bone was enlarged and very prominent ; the soft parts being closely attached, and the whole very tender. Ampu- tated by Dr. H., Dec. 8th, 1866, and the man was dis- charged well Jan. llth. 1867. Dr. R. M. Hodges.

1605. Inflamed bone from a stump; and a very fine specimen. From a soldier, set. twenty-three, whose thigh was ampu- tated July 21st, 1866, for a recent injury. The wound (132, 102), very much exhausted, with swelling of the stump ; protrusion of the bone, and a copious and very offensive discharge. July 17th, about 2 in. of the bone were removed, and on the 19th of August the man was discharged well.

The bone is very much enlarged, and shows the result of chronic inflammation. By the side of it is a pretty thick semi-cylindrical sequestrum, from the cavity of the bone, 5 in. in length, and that was sawed across midway at the time of the operation. 1867. Dr. R. M. Hodges.

1606. Exfoliation 3f in. in length, from the end of a stump ; four and a half months after amputation of the femur, for a railroad accident.

From a man, set. thirty-two years (Hospital, 85, 220) ; discharged well in about six months. Whole circumfer- ence of bone involved inferiorly. 1860.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

1607. About 2 in. of the femur removed from an amputated stump.

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