Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/354

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1683. A fifth body, from the above case, and dried to show that it consists mainly of bone or earthy matter. 1852.

Dr. Samuel Kneeland, Jr.

1684. Two bones, from the cavity of the elbow-joint, and in which they were quite free ; one is J in., and the other nearly in. in diameter. Dry when received ; of a round- ed form, quite compact, and without any appearance of dried cartilage upon the surface.

From a large, middle-aged negro. The joint looked quite healthy, and without any appearance of chronic ar- thritis. 1864. Dr. D. W. Cheever.

1685-6. Casts, in plaster, of two very large bodies, that were removed from the knee-joints by the late Dr. Charles H. Stedman.

The patient was a very intemperate man, and an inmate of the House of Correction. Swelling of the knees began when he was seventeen years old, and the loose bodies were discovered three years afterward. The second knee was operated upon only ten daj 7 s after the first ; and not the slightest inflammation followed either operation. The bodies, which are in the cabinet of the Soc. for Med. Improvement (No. 1027), are composed, about equally, of bone and fibrous tissue, and of a flattened oval form ; one 2 T ! F in. long, and the other 2| in. Case published in full by Dr. S., in the Amer. Jour, of Med. Sc., Oct., 1848. 1855. Museum Fund.

1687. Acute inflammation of the knee-joint ; with chronic dis- ease connected with a " loose cartilage ; " in spirit.

From a healthy man, set. twenty. (Hospital, 24, 121.) Twelve years before entrance he struck the inside of the patella. Severe inflammation followed, but passed off in three or four weeks, and for six months he had no further trouble. The knee then swelled, and the loose body was first felt. From that time he had frequent attacks of pain and swelling, but complained mostly of the loose body slipping between the femur and tibia. The body was cut out, and the patient died with violent local and constitu- tional symptoms on the tenth day.

The joint shows a deposit of recent lymph in every part

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