Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/395

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1819. Thibert's model. Veins of leg ; varicose ; from a woman, set. sixty. 1847. Dr. G. Hayivard,

1820. The same ; upper back part of leg. 1847.

Dr. G. Hayward.

1821-2. Superficial and deep-seated veins of the leg ; varicose. From the same patient as No. 1835. 1856.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

1823-. Thibert's model. Veins of the spermatic cord and of the upper part of the thigh ; varicose. 1847.

Dr. G. Hayivard.

1824. Varicocele ; tunica vaginalis laid open. 1847.

Dr. G. Hayward.

1825. The same; veins injected. 1859.

Dr. E. M. Hodges.

1826. A portion of the liver, in spirit, and showing a very great dilatation of the hepatic veins.

From a man, aet. forty-three, who died of organic disease of the heart of three years' and a half duration. (Hospi- tal, 244, 206.) 1865. Dr. C. Ellis.

1827. Thibert's model. Erectile tumor of the int. labia ; con- genital. The veins were the seat of disease. 1847.

Dr. G. Hayward.

1828. Erectile tumor of the knee, in a child ten years of

age ; not congenital. 1847. Dr. G. Hayward.

1829. Portions of the iliac and femoral veins cut open, and . showing the cavity completely filled with fibrine, most of which was very adherent. Vessel considerably thickened. Color of the fibrine in many parts yellowish, as in an old apoplectic clot. The vena cava was filled throughout with fibrine or more recent coagulum ; and also the femoral veins, as far as they were examined, to the middle of the thigh. Along the course of the vessels, and apparently external to them, were three or four abscesses.

From a man, aet. forty, who entered the hospital (66, 8) July 30th, with a severe wound of the elbow, followed by delirium tremens. Aug. 19th, active constitutional symp- toms came on, and he died on the 25th of Sept. There was great swelling from the first, and pitting on pressure,

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