Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/404

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rosy tint on section, with an appearance of swelling of the organ.

1871. Appearances very similar to the last.

1872. Purulent effusion into the cortical substance ; seen through the injected membranes.

1873. Several defined, rounded abscesses near the surface of the brain.

1874. A defined, chronic abscess in the posterior portion of the brain.

The patient, a lad, thirteen years of age, entered the hospital Sept. 18th, 1843 (27, 132). In May, of the same year, he had " typhoid fever," and headache from that time; pain mostly in the forehead, and not severe until the last of June. In June there was dimness of vision, and ever afterward. From July 10th till Aug. 9th he was in the country, and able to play about somewhat. About the middle of July he was struck upon the back of the head by an andiron. The accident was a slight one, but in about a week a swelling appeared <3ver the occiput, and on the 13th of September it was opened and dis- charged slightly. During the last three or four weeks he had daily attacks of general tremulousness, with much ex- citement, and commencing with pain in the back of the neck. Never any loss of consciousness, convulsions, or paralysis. Stomach sufficiently well. Death almost in- stantaneous the morning after his entrance into the hos- pital.

The abscess is in the very posterior part of the left hem- isphere of the brain, of a regular circular form, and con- tained iv. of healthy-looking pus. A sort of cyst, that lined the cavity, is most remarkably distinct, and was readily separable from the surrounding parts ; about half a line in thickness, moderately firm, not fibrous, not generally opaque, a little reddened in some parts, without any trace of lymph, and somewhat resembling a mucous surface, as Lallemaud remarked that it may be in such cases after some years. The cerebral substance, anteriorly, was somewhat gelatiniform, and in some parts, just around the abscess, it was very soft and disorganized. The brain, generally,

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