Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/406

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See Mr. P. Hewett's article in the Med. Chir. Trans., Vol. xxviii., also a case with a figure, in the Trans. of the Patholog. Soc. of London, and in which a large cyst lay loose in the arachnoid cavity. 1859.

Dr. C. Ellis.

Four models by Thibert. 1849. Dr. J. Ware.

1880. Acute inflammation of the membranes over the convexity of the brain.

1881. Extensive formation of false membrane over the convexity, and in defined, thick, white patches; the result of chronic inflammation.

1882. Acute inflammation of the membranes at the base of the brain, with purulent effusion.

1883. Tubercular meningitis. Very extensive acute inflammation of the membranes at the base of the brain; with granulations of the same.

1884. Cysts in the plexus choroides upon each side.

From a man, æt. forty, who had been long subject to "nervous headache," and who died from an effusion of blood into the pons varolii. 1852.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

1885. Plexus choroides cut open and dried; and which, in the recent state, contained a firm yellowish, oval body, more than an inch long, and consisting of cretaceous matter and fibroid tissue.

From a man, æt. sixty-three, who died at the hospital of phthisis (217, 162); and with some minute granulations in the pia mater about the cerebellum.

1886. Mate to the last and similarly affected; in spirit. 1858.

Dr. C. Ellis.

1887. Hydrocephalic skull of a child between two and three years old. Anterior fontanelle quite large, but ossification is otherwise complete, excepting some Wormian bones. Greatest circumference 24½ in.; and from one meatus to the other, over the top of the head, 17½ in. Internal capacity 188 cubic inches,—measured with rice; the mean int. capacity of fifty-two adult Caucasian skulls being, according to Dr. Morton, 87 cubic inches. This specimen belonged to