Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/423

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so long as he lived. At the age of twenty-one he entered the hospital (24, 93) to have the limb removed ; and a cast of it was taken at that time, which is now in the Med. Soc.'s Cabinet (No. 415) ; the greatest circumference then being 28 in. For many years he was subject to violent at- tacks of fever, with severe pain in the limb, though it gen- erally troubled him only by its weight. He had also been subject to severe headache, hemorrhage from the bowels, derangement of the digestive organs, pulmonary symptoms, and for two years to dyspnoea, which last seemed to wear him out ; there being found, on dissection, disease of the lungs, heart, liver, and kidneys. 1867.

Museum Fund.

2002. Thibert's model. Elephantiasis of the upper extremity. The enlargement is very great to near the shoulder, where it seems to be suddenly girt in, and becomes at once of its natural size. 1847. Dr. J. G. Warren.

2003. Photograph of a case of elephantiasis of the scrotum. Taken in Chicago, 111.

The subject was a healthy negro, set. twenty-two, and was afterward successfully operated upon by Dr. J. S. Thebaud, of New York. The penis was saved ; and the tumor, after removal, weighed 51 Ibs. For a full report of the case, with illustrations, see N. Y. Med. Jour., May, 1867. 1868.

2004-5. Elephantiasis of the scrotum and of the lower extremi- ties. A front and side photographic view of a healthy- looking Chinaman. Taken in Canton in 1861, and the next at the same time. Sent to Mr. B. from C. 1868. James Blake, Esq., of Dorchester.

2006. Photograph of an elderly, but healthy-looking man. Case of molluscum? The disease is thickly scattered over the trunk, so far as seen, and a large mass hangs from the neck. 1868. James Blake, Esq., of Dorchester.

2007. Photograph of a case of elephantiasis of the face.

The patient was a sailor, from the Cape de Verd Isl. r and the disease of three years' duration. Always most upon the face, but some disease upon the breast and ex- tremities. He had used Fowler's Sol., lod. of Potash, and;

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