Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/433

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sufferings were agonizing, and on the 23d the eye was removed ; the right eye being healthy. 1868.

Dr. C. Ellis.

2050. A wax model of the face of a man, showing a large, can- cerous-looking tumor, projecting from the orbit. From Paris.

In the Dupuytren Museum is a similar model ; and a second, showing the appearances after the removal of the mass by M. Gerdy ; the wound having cicatrized. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

2051. Cavity of the sclerotic, about two-thirds filled by a nearly uniform, whitish, soft, solid substance, and having the well- marked microscopic appearances of cancer. Otherwise the cavity is free ; and the tissues, where not involved in the disease, are healthy. The globe, however, is enlarged, and bulges at the upper part.

From a feeble woman, set. thirty-five years. Uneasiness constant, and pain occasionally severe. Loss of vision complete. Removed by Dr. H., and did well. (Amer. Jour, of Med. So., June, 1850.) 1852.

Dr. Robert W. Hooper.

2052. Globe, filled with a cancerous deposit. 1857.

2053. A melanotic mass, nearly or quite as large as an English walnut, and connected with the globe of the eye externally. The sclerotic, where not involved in the disease, is healthy, but this last is just encroaching upon the cavity at the bottom of the globe. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

2054. A smooth, but somewhat irregular melanotic mass, about in. in diameter, J in. thick, and arising from the anterior third of the globe of the eye ; the organ being otherwise healthy externally.

From a healthy farmer, set. sixty-five years. A pterygi- um appeared twenty years before, and was stationary for the first fifteen; the disease then increased, and at the end of a year he could only discern the light ; pain severe for the first two years, and for some months before the op- eration, which was performed by Dr.B. at the Eye and Ear Infirmary. (Amer. Jour, of Med. Sc. Feb. 1850.) 1850.

Dr. G. A. Eetliune.

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