Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/438

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to its place, and secured. Six weeks after the operation a sequestrum was discharged, about 1 in. by ^ in. ; but two days afterward the man left the hospital (132, 190), with- out any tenderness of the teeth upon the left side when he chewed. On this date the photograph was taken ; there being no deformity, excepting, of course, a very slight cic- atrix in the hip. 1869. Dr. R. M. Hodges.

2075. A piece of rag, that was removed from the nostrils of a little girl, nine years of age, and upon the supposition of its being dead bone, as it was folded up and infiltrated with earthy matter. There had been obstruction of the nostrils for five 3'ears, with tenderness, purulent discharge, and oc- casional epistaxis. Nasal bones widely separated. (Hos- pital, 99, 150.) 1862. Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

2076. A cretaceous body from the nostril, or " rhinolite," as described by Dr. Gross ; of a very irregular form, fully equal to a nutmeg in size, and much discolored upon the surface, but of a whitish color within.

The patient was a young girl, who, about eight years ago, received a severe blow upon her nose, which was fol- lowed by copious hemorrhage. Within a year afterward one nostril became obstructed, and remained so from that time, with pain, a constant and fetid discharge, and a push- ing outward of the bones upon the affected side. The other nostril was free. The mass was considerably broken in its removal by the forceps ; and shows a small rounded cavity, in which was found what Dr. H. supposed to be the remains of the effused blood, and the nucleus for the formation of the mass. Relief from the operation com- plete.

Analysis by Dr. White ; phosph. and carb. of lime ; coated with mucus and epithelial matter. 1868.

Dr. J. M. Harlow, of Wbburn.

2077. Hypertrophy of the gums, extending to the roof of the mouth, as shown in a cast that was taken by Dr. B., before the first operation.

From a woman, set. twenty-seven, who entered the hos- pital June 25th, 1867 (130, 134). Had had the disease from the first of her recollection, though her mother had

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