Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/445

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Case of enchondromatous tumor in the palate. No. 3025.

2107. Cancerous disease of the pharynx, extending to the up- per part of the oesophagus, and to the larynx.

From a woman, set. thirty-two years. Disease of ten months' duration. An aching pain constantly in the throat, with a feeling as if there was a lai-ge hollow there, beyond which* the food did not pass. Strangled on swal- lowing, toward the last, ancl had to be supported by ene- mata. Much salivation. Hawked up a bloody fluid for some weeks before death. Voice clear, though feeble, until the last week ; and afterward spoke in a whisper, though with effort she could speak aloud, even to the last. Some swelling of the cervical glands from the first ; and at one time much swelling of the throat, externally, with much dyspnosa. Breathing otherwise easy until the last two or three weeks, when, on swallowing, it would be extremely difficult. Became much emaciated, and was confined to her room the last two months.

On examination of the specimen, in the recent state, the whole interior of the pharynx was in a state of open, can- cerous ulceration, as high as where it was cut off. Inferi- orly, the disease extended to just below the cricoid carti- lage, which was in the process of being detached by slough- ing. The inner surface of the larynx, posteriorly, was cancerous ; and there projected into the upper back part of the trachea, as seen in the preparation, an encephaloid mass, half as large as a nutmeg. No appreciable contrac- tion of the passage at the seat of disease. The organs of the thorax and abdomen were healthy. 1849.

Dr. John Randall.

Sequestrum from the palatine bone ; retained for some months, and, as it was supposed, in the air-passages, though more probably in the pharynx. (See No. 1308.)

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