Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/450

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the 17th, in a sudden fit of strangling. The tonsils and uvula were much swollen, with an exudation upon the sur- face, and a copious secretion, which he was constantly hawking from his throat. On the afternoon of the 16th, he threw up, with much effort, and symptoms of strangling, a membrane that looked like a piece of white kid ; 5 in. long, 1 in. broad, and tubular in two places ; and during the night two smaller pieces were raised without diffi- culty. (See next specimen.) There were external swell- ing, hoarseness, and sometimes aphonia. Respiration labored at times during the last night ; but, previously, no dj'spnoea. Dysphagia from the first, but not enough to prevent him from taking liquids freely to the last. Pulse 84 to 108, but during the last night rose to 132. Through- out his sickness he was cheerful, and retained his strength so far as to be able to walk about his room without effort the day before his death. The treatment consisted of stimulants, nourishment, and tonics ; and, locally, the use of nitrate of silver, and of chlorate of potash.

On dissection, the neck was much swollen ; the epiglot- tis and upper orifice of the larynx swollen, and a false membrane extended from the fauces to the secondary bron- chi. This last was somewhat ash-colored ; and in the tra- chea quite firm, and about -^ in. thick ; easily separated, and without any very marked change of the subjacent sur- face. (Med. Jour. Vol. LXIV. p. 106.) 1861.

Dr. Francis Minot.

2121. Membrane expectorated. (See last case.) 1861.

Dr. F. Minot.

2122. "Bronchial polypi," raised, in great numbers, by a man thirty years of age, before his death from phthisis, and during a period of six weeks. The casts are from the larger and smaller bronchi ; and some are between one and two lines in diameter, and over 2 in. in length. 1868.

Dr. H. I. Bowditcli. Seven models by Thibert. 1849. Dr. J. Ware.

2123. Simple, acute inflammation of the larynx ; redness, with swelling of the mucous and sub-mucous cellular mem- branes.

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