Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/467

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face, from which others (No. 3088.) had been detached. 1868. Dr. J. P. SticJcney.

2181. Thibert's model. Mucous membrane ecchymosed. Haem- atemesis. 1849. Dr. J. Ware.

2182. A stomach, showing the "hemorrhagic erosion" of Cru-


From a little boy, six years old, who died with cirrhosis, ascites, and cerebral symptoms, but with nothing referable to the stomach. (Hospital, 237, 182.) Within 2 in. of the pylorus were very numerous " depressions, about a line in diameter, round, sharply defined, and without a trace of vascularity ; bases formed by the sub-mucous cel- lular coat." 1861. Dr. C. Ellis.

2183. Thibert's model. Inflammation, acute and chronic. 1849.

Dr. J. Ware.

2184. - . Acute inflammation, from poisoning ; ulceration quite defined. 1849. Dr. J. Ware.

2185. Ulceration of the stomach from a man, set. fifty-nine

years, who had had dysenteric diarrhoea more or less for about fifteen months. The appetite was good ; and the prominent gastric symptom was a sense of sinking.

" In the pyloric portion of the stomach were many ulcers, more or less irregular, and the largest from a third to half an inch in diameter. They presented none of the appear- ances usually found in chronic ulcers, but resembled those found in the intestine ; margins undermined, and bases formed apparently by the muscular coat. The mucous membrane was not materially changed."

The intestines also (No. 2286) were extensively and similarly ulcerated. (Med. Jour. Vol. LXIV. p. 549.) 1861.

Dr. C.

��2186. A portion of the stomach, showing about the middle of the small curvature a defined ulcer, about an inch in diam- eter, and another about one-third as large ; base smooth, and formed by the muscular coat. Surrounding mucous membrane corrugated ; and, when recent, dark red or slate colored. Near these were several smaller ulcers, irregular and superficial.

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