Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/488

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2235. Epithelial cancer of the stomach. The pyloric extrem- ity of the stomach is nearly surrounded by a soft, white

growth, which extends inwards 2 or 3 in. from the valve. Its margin is undermined, and somewhat elevated above the surrounding surface, but the remainder of the growth appears to have lost a part of its substance ; the base being sunken and irregular, and formed by the exposed disease, long shreds of which floated up, on placing the part in water. There was no disease elsewhere.

Dr. E. found that on microscopic examination, the dis- ease was composed of cells and nuclei, more or less granu- lar, but not larger than those of cylinder epithelium. They were round, more or less elongated, some being fusi- form, or pointed at one end only. A few had a decided columnar arrangement.

From a gentleman, set. fifty-nine, who died after eleven months' sickness, and whose previous health had been per- fectly good. The disease began with " cholera-morbus," fol- lowed by loss of flesh and strength, some nausea and dis- tress after eating, and occasional diarrhoea. As it ad- vanced, the vomiting occurred at intervals of from ten to twenty days, not violent, nor preceded by nausea, but sud- den, and followed by extreme exhaustion. No tumor ever felt. (Med. Jour. Vol. LXIV. p. 546.) 1861.

Dr. C. Ellis.


2236. Small intestine, torn entirely across, and mesentery to the extent of 3 in., as shown in the preparation.

From a man, aet. twenty years, who was jammed be- tween two railroad cars, and died, in twenty-one and a half hours, in great agony. There was a prominent tumor in the left side of the abdomen, with some ecchymosis, and hematuria.

A large amount of blood was found in the peritoneal cavity, and there was free escape of air. Laceration of intestine 51 in. from pylorus ; mucous membrane much everted, and peritoneum stripped off to some extent. Considerable effusion of blood in mesentery, and still more along psoas muscle. Superficial laceration of inner sur-

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