Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/498

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near its origin ; the opening being two and one-half lines in diameter, and the edges quite sloughy. 1849.

Dr. C. G. Putnam.

2275. A second specimen. From a gentleman, about thirty- five years of age, who sank gradually, and died in eleven days ; a patient of Dr. Bowditch. Great pain and tender- ness, with fulness over affected part. ' Vomited freely eight or nine times the day before death. Bowels gener- ally loose, or kept so.' A large cavity was found in the cellular tissue, behind the ascending colon, and containing a blackish and very offensive fluid ; a very similar fluid being found in the colon.

The preparation shows a small portion of the ileum and large intestine ; the inner surface of the cavity ; the appen- dix caeci cut off abruptly 2 in. from its origin, and opening directly into the cavity ; but otherwise healthy ; and direct openings into the cavity from the caecum. The neighbor- ing muscles were to some extent dark green, and contained thick pus. The pleura was also inflamed at the base of each lung. In the cavity was a calculus, that probably es- caped from the appendix, and was the source of the whole trouble. 1858. Dr. C. Ellis.

2276. A third specimen, from a patient of Dr. D. H. Storer ; a man who had had great pain in the back and right hip, extending down the thigh ; with tenderness in the groin, and afterward fulness there as from suppuration ; the fulness subsequently disappearing. The whole duration of the disease was short.

An extensive abscess was found in and about the right iliac region, and it communicated freely with the caecum and the appendix caeci ; the opening into the caecum being evidently from without inward, and explaining the subsi- dence of the fulness observed during life. No foreign body was found ; but there may have been one that escaped into the caecum. Some of the bones were denuded. (Med. Jour. Vol. LXV. p. 61.) 1861. Dr. C. Ellis.

2277. A fourth specimen. The appendix caeci is sloughy, and perforated at its extremity.

From a college student, aet. twenty-one, who had been ill

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