Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/512

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2326. A third specimen ; resembles the last, but is more spherical, and the layers are more concentric. Structure radiating and crystalline. Length, f in.

2327. A fourth specimen. This consists of two separate con- , cretions, united, and between them is a deep groove, that

is partly filled up with woody tissue. Form oval, and surface polished. Diameters, 3 in. by 2 in. Outer layers composed of long radiating crystals.

2328. Fragment of a fifth. Very compact ; and surface pol- ished.

2329. A body from the appendix caeci, of a brownish color and elongated form ; length, in.

From a woman, set. twenty-two years, who died of tu- phlo-enteritis after about a week's sickness ; the symptoms being much less marked than usual. The appendix was adherent, extensively gangrenous, and largely perforated near its extremity ; with acute and universal peritonitis. 1864. Dr. C. Ellis.

2330. A smooth, compact, pale-brownish mass, from the appen- dix caeci, of an irregular form, and about as large as the tip of the little finger. A smaller one that was also re- moved, consisted, according to Dr. Bacon, of faecal matter and vegetable fibre, with phosphate of lime one-fifth.

From a healthy young man, twenty-one years of age. Duration of disease one week. Pain in pyloric region, vomiting and constipation for the first two days ; and after- wards a more severe pain toward the right iliac fossa ; with vomiting, tympanites, and tenderness until death. On dissection, extensive peritonitis was found, with a sloughing of the appendix near the foreign bodies. 1860. Dr. E. B. Hammond, of Nashua, N. H.

2331. Hardened faeces, from the appendix caeci. (See No. 2277.) 1868. Dr. J. Romans.

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