Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/544

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2465. A kidney, ulcerated, but rather less extensively than No. 2467 ; and containing, within it, an irregular white calculus. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

2466. The left kidney, reduced to a dense mass of fibrous and adipose tissue, so that its outlines are only faintly trace- able. In the remains of its cavity is a compact, yellowish white calculus, an inch or more in length, and about \ in. in diameter ; and, connected with this, undoubtedly, though the connection was not fully traced, is a fistula that opened upon the surface of the body.

From a woman, set. forty-five years, who fell down stairs thirteen years before her death, and had pain in her side from that time. Three years before death the pain increased ; an abscess formed between the last rib and the ilium, was opened, and a fistula ever afterward remained. There was much pain, and it was thought that dead bone was felt ; but no bone was found either dead or denuded, and it was probably the calculus that was felt. (Hospital, 78, 242.) 1859. Dr. O. Ellis.

2467. Kidney very extensively destroyed by chronic ulceration. 1847. * Dr. J. C. Warren.

2468. A kidney, from a gentleman who had suffered severely from urinary symptoms. It is thin, sacculated, and was filled, when recent, with a putty-like substance. 1856.

Dr. C. Ellis.

Four Thibert's models. 1849. Dr. J. Ware.

2469. Kidney hypertrophied and granulated.

2470. A yellowish, mottled appearance, and degeneration throughout the organ.

2471. Another form of this granular disease of the kidney.

2472. Atrophy, with structural disease.

2473. Bright's disease. There was an albuminous-looking de- posit throughout the cortical substance, that is still well marked.

From a woman, set. forty years, who had had cardiac symptoms for sixteen months, and dropsy for several months. Urine sometimes very strongly coagulable, and sometimes not at all so. The heart was much diseased ;

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