Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/546

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by in., and weighs 75 grains ; a portion of the ureter being attached to each. The smallest was granular exter- nally, and the cut surface is seen to have a diseased look. From a little girl, set. nine years, who complained of fatigue, palpitation, and distress in the region of the heart in the summer of 1867, and until the month of September, when she had an attack of vomiting, with nausea ever afterward in the morning. Pupil of right eye dilated from that time, and contracted imperfectly. Convulsions dur- ing the latter part of October and in December. Ascites began early in January, and the abdomen became enor- mously distended. Urine highly albuminous, and twice it was bloody. Impulse of heart strong, with marked dul- ness. Symptoms of croup the last two days. The left ventricle of the heart was found immensely hypertrophied and dilated, but without valvular disease. 1868.

Dr. C. Ellis.

2480. One-half of a cancerous kidney ; the other half being in the Cabinet of the Soc. for Med. Improvement (No. 593). In the recent state it weighed 18 oz., and was nearly 7 in. in length. The up'per portion contained well-marked en- cephaloid, effused blood, and one or two cysts. In the lower portion, which was completely disorganized and quite firm, there was a coarse areolar tissue, a semi-translu- cent deposit, and some of the opaque, tuberculoid substance that is so often found in degenerated cancer. There were diseased masses in the brain and lungs ; but the other kidney was healthy.

From a gentleman, set. forty-nine years, who had cere- bral symptoms, but none referable to the kidneys. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren. Parasites from the kidney. (See No. 3082.)

2481. Ureters dilated ; inflated and dried. From a case of can- cer of the womb (No. 2787) ; in which disease they are often found thus affected. 1852.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson. II. BLADDER.

Calculi in the ureters. (See No. 2464.)

2482. The bladder of a child that was transfixed by a hay- hook. (See No. 3116.) 1857.

Dr. J. P. Maynard, of Dedliam.

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