Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/554

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the deception for one or two years ; with very severe pain, and a constant desire to urinate ; much blood and nmco- purulent matter being mixed with the urine, which was very offensive. She indignantly denied the charge of hav- ing introduced the stones, as usual ; but at last acknowl- edged the fact, and assigned as a reason, an intention of suicide. (Med. Jour. Vol. LX. p. 78.) 1859.

2495. A lead pencil, removed from the bladder of ah unmarried woman, thirty years of age. The two halves were separa- ted in the bladder, and separately removed. 1869.

Dr. J. S. Jones.

2496. A stiletto, removed from the bladder by a lithontriptic instrument. It is 3 in. in length, made of bone, and such as is used by seamstresses.

The patient was an unmarried woman, about thirty-eight years of age, and professed to have used it to relieve her- self of dysuria. It was in the bladder about twelve hours, and caused no great irritation". 1863.

Dr. R. M. Hodges.

2497. Two pieces of gutta-percha bougies, removed from the urethra by perineal section.

The patient was forty-five years of age, and had been in the habit of passing bougies of his own manufacture. One of the pieces had been broken off four months, and the- other two days, before he entered the hospital (118, 203). On the eleventh day no urine escaped from the wound ; and in two weeks he was discharged. One of the pieces is coated with phosphatic deposits. The bougie, from which a piece had been recently broken, is shown with this last. 1865. Dr. R. M. Hodges.

2498. A portion of gum-elastic catheter, 9 in. in length, re- moved from the bladder. The patient was a laborer, set. forty, who was injured by a bank of earth falling upon him, and for sixteen days was obliged to have the catheter used daily. The instrument was at last broken off, but nothing was done about it, as he was told that it would melt and come away. The urine was passed every few minutes, and in very small quantities ; and when he en- tered the hospital (131, 60) there was scalding along the

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