Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/558

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The'following ten specimens were given, in 1800, by

Dr. John Nichols.

2501. Uric acid. 6'" by T" ('" lines, and " inches). Irregular concretion.

2502. Uric acid. T" by 4 W . External surface dark red.

2503. Uric acid. 8"' by 6 W . Compressed, oval. External surface granular.

2504. Uric acid. 8'" by 5'". Shape, peculiar. Originally oval, but changed subsequently by formation of a broad groove, which is deeper at one end. Centre made up by agglomer- ation of particles.

Dr. White remarks upon the eroded appearance in sev- eral of the specimens from the two collections that he ex- amined, and that is, " without doubt, owing to chemical action, induced by injections within the bladder."

2505. Uric acid. 1'" by &". Pale, globular, and resembling dried putty, externally.

2506. Irregularly loose compact mass of uric acid, and formed about an oblong, darker nucleus of the same. No regular

' stratification. 1" 3'" by 11'".

2507. Uric acid. 1" 3"'byl". Smooth; oval; light-fawn color ; concentric layers.

2508. Uric acid wholly. 1" 9'" by I" 2'". Oblong. Concen- tric ; much cracked, and probably after formation of external layers. Exterior, pale brown ; worn, granular appearance. Original length above given.

2509. Uric acid. V 2'" by V. Two halves preserved. Smooth ; finely laminated ; globular form, with two coty- loid cavities, caused probably by the presence of other calculi in the bladder, and giving the surface a fan-shaped form.

2510. Uric acid. 2" by 1" 5'". Long ; oval. Nucleus dark pink ; exterior layers pale fawn color.

2511. A smooth, compact calculus, If in. in length, 1 in. in diameter, and having the peculiar form of two blunt cones, united by their base. On long, section, it has the charac- teristic reddish color and concentric arrangement through- out ; and, on examination by Dr. White, is found to con- sist of uric acid, with a little urate of ammonia.

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