Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/562

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2542. Twenty-three calculi, or fragments of calculi. Largest surface, 10'". Ur. ac. and ur. of ammonia. Spherical in shape, and worn by attrition on their surfaces. Outer portion loosely attached to a firmer nucleus, so that the broken -masses leave this prominent. Color, grayish-pink.

2543. Fine, compressed, oval calculus of ur. ac., and urates of ammonia and soda. On the flattened surfaces two grooves are seen tending toward the hour-glass constriction. 2" by 1" T".

2544. Portion of a long stone, consisting of ur. ac. and urate of ammonia and soda. About the centre a reddish-brown passes into an orange-colored deposit. The exterior is smoothly tuberculated, and the interior is porous in parts. 2" 2'" by 1" 9'".

2545. Oblong, oval calculus of loose structure. Ur. ac., ur. of ammonia, and soda. Exterior porous, and coarsely granu- lar. 2" by 1" 7'".

2546. Loose, porous, pale fawn-colored calculus of ur. ac., and urates of ammonia and soda. Exterior tuberculated. 1" 2'" by 1" 4'".

2547. Oblong, oval, with shallow concavity on external sur- face. Ur. ac., urates of ammonia, and soda. Centre, pale yellow. Cortex of a deep fawn color. Exterior somewhat tuberculated ; the projections serving as centres of concen- tric layers. 1" 6"' by 1" I 1 ".

2548. Irregularly ovoid. Ur. ac., and urates of ammonia and soda. Exterior smoothly granulated. 1" 2'" by 1".

2549. Portions of a very irregularly shaped renal calculus. Ur. ac., urates of ammonia and soda. Layers very loosely arranged. Exterior yellowish-pink, and has a sanded ap- pearance. Light and porous. Several spinous processes. Length, 1" 2'".

2550. Fragments of a calculus, resembling much No. 2542. Ur. of ammonia and soda, and ur. ac.

2551. Compressed, oval calculus. Ur. ac., urates of ammonia, and soda. Exterior granulated ; and has a peculiar, pur- plish-brown color. 1" 2"' by 10'".

2552. Oblong oval stone. Nucleus wanting. Structure light

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