Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/570

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and ur. of ammonia, phosph., and ox. of lime. The outer surface of this layer was composed of sharp spiculae of this latter salt, on which the external laminae of phosph. of lime with a little oxalate were deposited. I" T" by I" 4"'. 1847.

2596. Irregularly oval. Nucleus, urates of ammonia and lime. Mass made up of ox. of lime, phosph. of lime, and a little triple phosph., irregularly mixed. 1" 3'" by 11'".

2597. Rough, irregularly ovoid. The central dark portion is composed of ur. of ammonia and lime, and a little ur. ac., mixed with ox. and phosph. of lime. The well-defined layer (marked 2) consists of ox. of lime and a little phosph. of lime ; on either side of which is a mixture of urate of ammonia and phosphate of lime. 1" 9'" by I" 2'".

2598. Irregular, cylindrical. Nucleus, urates of ammonia and lime, and ox. and phosph. of lime ; the oxalate shooting out in rays, and forming separate centres of crystalliza- tion. The filling in and exterior are composed of phosph. and ox. of lime and triple phosph., with urates of soda and ammonia, and ur. ac. 1" 5'" by 1".

The nine following specimens were given in 1800, by

Dr. J. Nichols.

2599. Irregular shape. Ur. acid, ox. of lime, triple phosph., phosph. of lime, and urates of ammonia and soda. I" by 10'".

2600. Compressed, oval. Ur. ac., ox. of lime, and urates of ammonia and soda. Triple phosph. in crevices between centre and cortex. Exterior shows signs of deep erosion, probably chemical. 1" 9'" by 1" 4'".

2601. Nucleus, ox. of lime, ur. ac., and urates of ammonia and lime. White portion consists of phosph. of lime and triple phosphate. Exterior granular and friable. 2" 3'" by II'".

2602. Originally ovoid, but changed in shape by deposition of phosph. of lime and triple phosph. on one surface. Body consists of ox. of lime, ur. ac., and urates of ammonia, lime, and soda. 1" 8'" by 1" I'"-.

2603. Irregular, nodular mass. Nucleus, ox. of lime, ur. ac.

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