Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/572

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2609. Calculus removed by operation. From a little boy, eight years old, who had had the usual symptoms for three years. Lithotomy was performed June 1st, 1869 ; on the 8th the urine passed mostly through the penis, and on the 16th he was able to leave the hospital (141, 118).

Form of the stone somewhat cylindrical ; diameter If in. by 1 in. Surface whitish and granulated. Structure rather coarsely laminated, with a defined, compact nucleus in. in length, of a pale-brownish color, and contrasting with the whitish color around. Composed, according to Dr. "White, of the phosph. and carb. of lime, a little of the triple phosphate, and urate of ammonia ; nucleus mostly ox. of lime. 1869. Dr. R. M. Hodges.

2610. Two calculi, removed by operation. The patient, a puny little boy, four j-ears old, had had occasional dysuria for two years, and of late excruciating pain, with incon- tinence of urine. Lithotomy was performed January 23d, 1868, and he left the hospital well, March 7th (107, 4).

The external appearance of the calculi was very nearly the same ; about 1 J by 1 in. ; form somewhat triangular, flattened, and with the angles quite rounded ; surface smooth, and of a yellowish color ; one, on section, is for the most part dark, very irregular in structure, and with something like a central cavity ; cortex, ^ to ^ in. thick, is white and compact. Composed, according to Dr. White, largely of ur. acid and urates ; ox. of lime very small ; carb. and phosph. of lime, and triple phosphate. 1869.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

2611. A calculus, the form of which suggests the idea of a decoy duck. Body 2 in. in length, and of an ovoid form ; with a projection, near one extremity, about the size of the last joint of the finger ; one of these portions having prob- ably formed in some sac connected with the bladder. Brownish externally, and internally yellowish. Laminated. External layers in part broken, and show a coarse struc- ture ; and beneath this is partially seen the characteristic tuberculated surface of a ur. ac. calculus. Analysis by Dr. W. : "Ur. ac., mixed urates, phosph. of lime, triple phosph. of ammonia and magnesia, and a little ox. of lime." 1867. Dr. J. C. White.

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