Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/575

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through them. Gradually sank under the disease. (Mecl. Jour. Vol. LXXVII. p. 330.) 1867. Dr. J. Homans.

2619. Calculus, removed by the lateral operation. The patient was a little boy, six and a half years old, who had always resided in Boston, and had had symptoms of stone for four years. The operation was performed April 20th, 1857. The urine did not pass wholly through the urethra until the 9th of May, at which time the wound was fairly cicatrized. On the 26th, without assignable cause, the wound opened, and urine began to pass through a fistulous orifice, which, by report, was preceded by a little boil. There was no sur- rounding inflammation. Although the urine passed freely by the urethra, and only by drops through the fistula, it was not until June 9th that this last was obliterated by re- peated applications of nitrate of silver. The stone was oval, flattened, in. in length, and weighed eighty-two grains.

The following is the result of Dr. Bacon's analysis ; the powder removed in sawing the calculus, and a few crystals from the outside being examined : " The constituents are, oxalate of lime, phosphate of lime, triple phosphate and carbonate of lime ; with small proportions of urate of ammonia, urate of soda and uric acid. Comparing the analysis with the appearance of the section, it is evident that the nucleus and several surrounding la} r ers consist of oxalate of lime chiefly. The outer layers are mostly com- posed of earthy phosphates. Small crystals of oxalate of lime cover the exterior. This deposition of oxalate of lime upon earthy phosphates is an interesting point in the structure of the calculus." 1858.

Dr. E. M. Hodges.

The next nineteen specimens were given in 1800, by

Dr. J. Nichols.

2620. Oblong calculus, with a curved, irregularly shaped con- cretion, deposited on one extremity. Centre consists of ox. of lime and ur. ac. ; remainder of the same, with phos- phate of lime, triple phosph., carb. of lime, and urates of ammonia, potash, and magnesia. Length, 2". Renal?

2621. Oblong. Friable. Centre consists of ox. of lime, ur. ac., and urates of ammonia and magnesia. Outer portion

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