Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/578

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termixed with a little ur. of ammonia and phosph. of lime. Length of the largest surface. 1" 2'". 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

2645. Hard oval. Mostly ox. of lime, with which are mixed the urates of ammonia, soda, and magnesia, with phosph. of lime and triple phosph. Exterior shows marks of vio- lence or erosion. 1" 6'" by 1" 2"'. 1800.

Dr. J. Nichols.

2646. One-fourth of a chalky, friable calculus. Centre, ur. of ammonia and ox. of lime ; remainder consists of phos- phate of lime and triple phosphate. Original size, 1" 10'" by 1" 2'". 1800. Dr. J. Nichols.

2647. Form elongated and peculiarly curved ; the nucleus be- ing at one end, and composed of organic matter, epitheli- um, tubuli, etc., with a little ur. of ammonia. The remain- der consists of carb., phosph., and ox. of lime, and triple phosph. The coarse, granular mass is formed of large crystals of phosph. of lime and organic matter. 3" by 1"

.4'". 1847. Dr. J. 0. Warren.

2648. Oblong, oval. Centre, ox. of lime and ur. of ammonia. Body made up of loose, friable laminae of phosph. and carbonate of liine, with triple phosph. 1" &" by 1 1'". 1800. Dr. J. Nichols.

2649. Oblong. Urates of ammonia, soda and magnesia, with phosph. of lime and triple phosph. 9"' by 6'". 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

2650. Oval. Porous. Urates of ammonia, soda, magnesia, and lime ; and phosphate and carb. of lime. I" T" by 1" I'". 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

2651. Calculus removed by the operation of lithotomy.

The patient was seventy years of age, belonged in this State, had had urinary symptoms for about ten years, and for a little more than two years had been troubled with the stone. His father had had a stone removed fifty years before, weighing 3 oz. Aug. 7th lithotrity was tried, but not much came away ; on the 9th a second operation ; on the llth a third, when the instrument broke in the blad- der. On the 13th the stone was removed, and with it the

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