Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/597

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The sac, which has been distended and dried, shows an extensive cretaceous deposit in the parietes. In the recent state it weighed 2 Ibs., and contained 20 Ibs. of a dark, thick, chocolate-colored liquid. There was mainly one cyst, but with some divisions.

The patient was a single woman, thirty-one years of age ; had known of the disease for about ten years, and had been as large as at the ninth month of pregnancy for a year or two. She was generally healthy, had never been tapped, and bore the disease well. May 31st the cyst, which was not adherent, was removed by Dr. K., and the patient died about the fifth day from peritonitis. 1869. Dr. Oilman Kimball, of Lowell.

2715. The cyst, from the above case ; dried. 1869.

Dr. Kimball.

2716. A quantity of hair that was very positively stated to have been taken from the urinary bladder ; lying in it quite free, and the organ itself being perfectly healthy. When received it was in a liquid that was removed with it, and that resembled a thick mucilage, with a mixture of a sub- stance, that resembled, but was shown by Dr. Bacon not to be fat.

The patient, an unmarried woman, sixty-two years of age ; died of a chronic peritoneal disease, of ten months' duration, and the bladder had never been suspected. "The uterus and its appendages were apparently in a healthy condition."

In the Cabinet of the Soc. for Med. Improvement there is an ovarian sac containing a very large mass of hair ad- herent to its interior. The case was published as one of development of hair in the urinary bladder ; and there can be no reasonable doubt that a similar mistake was made in the above case ; and, still further, these are probably not solitary instances. 1869.

2717. Both ovaries encysted and acutely inflamed.

From a woman, set. forty, and previously healthy. On the' morning after her marriage she had symptoms of se- vere inflammation ; and in three weeks (Nov. 19th) entered the hospital (99, 416) with a firm, painful, tender, fluctuat- ing tumor, that almost filled the left side of the abdomen.

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