Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/600

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much of the silvery appearance just referred to. Other- wise the organs were healthy, so far as observed. 1859.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

2719. Fundus of the uterus, from a seven months' foetus, with the ovary, and showing a small cyst in this last. 1869.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

2720. A multilocular ovarian cyst, removed during life; result


The patient was nineteen years of age ; the abdomen had been enlarging for two years, and she had been tapped seven times. An exploratory incision was made on the 20th of June, and the tumor was removed by Dr. B. on the 4th of July. An incision was made from the ensiform car- tilage to the pubes ; some adhesions were found, and eigh- teen pints of fluid were removed from the sacs that were punctured. Death on the evening of the 24th ; and, on dissection, about x. of blood were found in the peritoneal cavity, but no inflammation. (Med. Jour. Vol. LXI. p. 19.) 1859. Dr. Ohas. E. Buckingham.

2721. A multilocular cyst, successfully removed. The tumor

was of about two years' duration, so far as was known, and weighed, with the contents, 34 Ibs. The patient re- covered rapidly, and without a bad symptom. (Med. Jour. Vol. LXVI. p. 445.) 1862.

Dr. Wm. G. Breck, of Springfield.

2722. Ovarian tumor, removed during life ; recovery from the


The patient was a healthy married woman, set. fifty-nine years. In Feb., 1863, there was a slight fulness of the abdomen, with a reddish discharge from the vagina, that recurred at regular monthly periods for six months ; men- struation having ceased nine years before. In June the abdomen was greatly distended, and the legs oedematous. In August several gallons of fluid were drawn off, and the tumor was then felt. Dec. 17th a second tapping. Jan. 3d, 1864, the tumor was removed by Dr. C. ; an incision being made from the umbilicus to the pubes ; and the ascit- ic fluid being first removed. The peritoneum was very much thickened, reddened, and granulated. Feb. 4th the wound had healed, and the patient was about her room.

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