Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/614

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entirely broken down in structure. Cavity of organ not enlarged, and cervix not involved. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

2760. Several large, dense, pedunculated tumors hang off into

the peritoneal cavity ; and two or three of them, of the size of the fist, are ossified. Cervix and os small. The whole mass weighs 7f Ibs. 1847. Dr. J. G. Warren.

2761. A fibroid tumor, attached to the external surface of the

organ by a few fibres only, though there were firm old adhesions to the neighboring parts. It is about as large as the two fists, of a regularly ovoid form, and strongly marked fibrous structure, and is shown to have been of long duration, by its opacity, and a certain amount of ossi- fication upon the surface.

From a woman, set. fifty-nine years, who died of cancer. The existence of the tumor was known for twenty years before her death, but it seemed to have given her but little if any trouble. (Med. Jour. Vol. LXI. p. 242.) 1859.

Dr. C. D. Homans.

2762. A single tumor, 2 in. in diameter, and projecting into the cavity of the womb, which is considerably enlarged ; structure flaccid, and imperfectly fibrous. Uterine pari- etes flaccid, and quite thrh over the tumor. Neck not in- volved. The specimen resembles very strikingly one of Dr. Baillie's figures. (PI. III. fig. 2.) 1854.

Dr. Charles Gordon.

2763. A tumor, about as large as ajnarble, and projecting into

the uterine cavity from the fundus. Incision through both.

From a negress, set. forty-five years, who was estimated to weigh 350 Ibs. She had had three children, and ten miscarriages ; the lasj; time about two years before her death, when, as she said, " she nearly flowed to death." 1855. Dr. Wm. E. Townsend.

2764. Forty-two tumors, from about in. to 2 in. in diameter. There were also two large tumors that were ossified through- out. (Nos. 1308-9 in the Med. Soc.'s Cabinet.)

From a negress, set. fifty-nine years ; a feeble-minded

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