Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/637

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One of the most striking points is a very defined, smooth, thick band, of a somewhat crescentic form, about an inch behind the prostate and near the extremities of which the ureters open. In front of this band the surface is perfectly smooth, but immediately behind it there is quite a sac, reticulated upon the surface, and in which a calculus might form and lie undetected. Ureters and pelves much dilated. The kidneys were small and dense, and one is sliown in the preparation. Several phlebolites about the ves. seminales ; the connection with the veins being very marked.

The patient was eighty years of age, and had been fail- ing for about a year and a half, with involuntary urine in the night until six weeks before death. No pain, and no suffering from retention. He had had, however, a " tumor" in the lower part of the abdomen, that became smaller after urination, but never disappeared, and of which the nature was never suspected. 1852.

Dr. J. B. S. Jackson.

2873. A very marked and regular enlargement of the middle lobe ; the lateral lobes being somewhat enlarged.

From an old man who had been subject to retention of urine. About ten days before Dr. B. saw him, a catheter had been used, and from that time the urine dribbled away. The bladder was felt as a soft tumor, and of moderate size, above the pubes. Several instruments were tried without success ; and, as the obstruction in the region of the pros- tate was abrupt, and there was no deviation of the catheters to one side or the other, Dr. B. made an attempt to trans- fix by force the projecting lobe of the prostate. The patient, however, was already exhausted, and died within an hour. The preparation shows the puncture made by the instrument, and that very nearly reached the bladder. 1859. Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

2874. A moderate, but quite irregular enlargement of the gland ; three or four pyriform masses or lobes being formed upon the right side, with the blunt extremities toward the blad- der.

From a gentleman, set. sixty-six years, who had had pain along the urethra, and frequent micturition for two

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