Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/644

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2906. Scirrhus. 1847. Dr. C. J. Warren.

2907. The same ; a typical specimen, microscopically, and to the naked eye.

From a gentleman, set. sixty-nine years. Disease of four or five years' duration. The tumor had doubled its size during the last year ; and, at the time of removal, was half as large as a horse-chestnut,

Dr. B. reports this as the third or fourth case that he has met with. 1864. Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

2908. The same. From a man, set. forty-nine years. (Hospi- tal, 91, 174.) Disease began three years before, with a hard tumor in the breast, of the size of a pea. This in- creased slowly ; and in a year and a half pain began, and became very severe, piercing and shooting toward the axilla. When seen, the tumor was 1 in. in extent, scirrhous to the feel, with the nipple in the centre, and adherent to the skin. During the removal the pleural cavity was acci- dentally punctured, but no bad consequences followed. 1861. Dr. G. H. Gay.



2909. Tubal pregnancy.

The uterus measures 3| in. by 2f in., and in thickness f in. Decidua strongly marked. The ovum is in the right tube, measured 2 in. by 1 J in., and the foetus is plainly seen, about as large as at two and a half to three months. The tube is extensively lacerated, but the fimbriated extremity, through which the membranes protrude, is not involved. Both ovaries were very carefully examined, but no corpus luteum was found. The peritoneal cavity was, as usual, filled with blood.

The case occurred at the State Almshouse at Monson. An Irishwoman, set. twenty-five years, had passed two menstrual periods, and on the 1st of Feb. complained of constipation and pain through the pelvis during defecation.

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