Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/667

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quently a pustular eruption upon the surface of the poste- rior or ischiatic tumor, and leading to superficial ulceration ; but this would in time dry up and heal. With this excep- tion, and those already referred to, her general health was usually good, and her functions were well performed ; menstruation being regular as to time and quantity, though painful during the last few years. Toward the close of 1853 the cutaneous affection increased, her health failed, and she died in Jan., 1854.

An autopsy could not be had ; but Dr. Smith, in order to get the body into something like a coffin, removed the ischiatic tumor in the presence of the husband. Within it was a cavity into which he passed his arm to above the elbow. The arm was then passed to about the same ex- tent upward into the pelvis and abdomen ; and, with the other hand upon the tumor, externally, Dr. S. satisfied himself that the abdominal viscera' were intact, and that the tumor was external to the peritoneal cavity. The two cavities contained 8 pints of fluid ; the one in the ischiatic tumor being evidently, in the opinion of Dr. S., a process from that of the peritoneum ; and the two tumors, though entirely distinct externally, being portions of one and the same growth. The communication between the peritoneal cavity and the prolongation from it he believed to be through the sacro-sciatic notch ; but to this view of the case Prof. Delamater thought that there were objections. The ischiatic tumor consisted mainly of a soft, adipose structure, interspersed with delicate layers of fibrous tis- sue ; and, in bulk, the tumor was large enough to fill a common wash-tub. After the removal of the tumor the genital organs and the anus, which were fully in view, were found to be somewhat drawn to one side, but other- wise unchanged. The abdominal tumor was not examined ; but there can be no doubt, as Prof. D. remarked, that it was mainly adipose.

Prof. D. finally remarks that " the continued growth of these tumors was unabated to the end," and basing his computation on the above estimated weight of the tumor, he says " we shall get 268| Ibs. as the ultimate of the solid and fluid constituents of these abnormal productions.

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